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Rickmansworth Sailing Club steps in to support Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre

by Claudia Wilson 22 Feb 20:07 NZDT
Rickmansworth SC welcomes Hillingdon OAC to Troy Lake © Amy Francis

Rickmansworth Sailing Club (RSC) has collaborated with Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre (HOAC), who will be running a variety of outdoor courses at Troy Lake during school holidays. This collaboration highlights the strong sense of community and mutual support between local organisations.

HOAC, who have faced ongoing challenges with their relocation plans, have not been able to run courses for the past four years due to delays with their new site. The site, set to be based at Broadwater Lake, has faced repeated delays in planning permissions. As a result, HOAC approached RSC to help them continue their mission of offering water-based activities, while awaiting confirmation of their new location.

In response, RSC has agreed to allow HOAC to operate from Troy Lake, where they will offer sailing, kayaking, and paddleboarding courses. This partnership will not only assist HOAC in staying afloat during this challenging time, but also provide funds to support RSC's ongoing development, including the construction of the club's new clubhouse.

Amy Francis, Commodore of Rickmansworth Sailing Club, commented: "We are thrilled to be able to support Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre during this challenging period. At RSC, we believe strongly in the power of outdoor activities to build confidence and connect people of all ages with nature, and we're proud to provide them with the facilities to run their courses on very own Troy Lake. This partnership also helps us move forward with the development of our new clubhouse, which will benefit all members of our club community."

Neil Maddock, Centre Principal at Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre, added: "We are incredibly grateful to Rickmansworth Sailing Club for their support. After a prolonged period of uncertainty regarding our relocation plans, this collaboration allows us to once again provide high-quality outdoor experiences for young people. While we are still working to secure our new site, having the opportunity to run courses at Troy Lake ensures that we can continue to offer vital opportunities to the local community, and we are thankful for the warmth and generosity shown by the RSC team."

For those interested in signing up for courses, more information and booking options can be found on the HOAC website at

If you are interested in becoming a member of Rickmansworth Sailing Club, please visit

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