London Youth Traveller Series 2015 - Round Up
by Richard Dixon 3 Nov 2015 07:10 NZDT
2 November 2015

London Youth Traveller Series at Queen Mary © Federico Nardini
The London Traveller Series concluded at Queen Mary SC on Saturday 17th October following a series of 4 events across Sailing Centres for the Outer London circuit and 2 events for the Inner London circuit. The Series is aimed at getting participants from RYA Sailing centres travelling to different locations to experience sailing outside of their home centre and meeting and sailing against likeminded sailors in a friendly environment.
The Outer London series started at Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre in April, moving to King George SC, Welsh Harp and finally at Queen Mary. The Inner London circuit has two events, Docklands Watersports and Welsh Harp. Overall we had a 78 sailors participating across the various fleets of Topper, Feva, Laser, Tera and Oppi.
With breezy conditions at Queen Mary there was some close racing making the final results in some of the fleets coming down to the last race.
Event Winners:
Topper: Leila Moore from Docklands Watersports
Laser: David Lim from Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre
Feva: Emanuele Nardini & Jack Hurst from Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre
Tera: Ben Lythgoe From Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre & WHBS
Inner Topper: Leila Moore from Docklands Watersports