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London Traveller Series at Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre

by Sally Jones 25 Apr 2017 04:54 NZST 23 April 2017
London Traveller Series at Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre © Sally Jones

The second London Traveller Events took place on Sunday 23rd April at Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre (HOAC), an event organised by parents to allow participants from London based clubs and RYA Centres to enable the youth sailors to take part in class racing in a relaxed and friendly environment in different locations across the capital. The forecast looked good for the day with a nice force 2 forecast which was perfect for the competitors.

29 sailors took to the water in Lasers, Toppers, Fevas and Teras competing in 4 races. The race officers set an interesting Course around the lake and had 2 starts for the different fleets. The first race got underway with the Feva & Laser fleets starting first followed by the Teras and Toppers. The morning races were interesting as the wind kept dying off and picking up, this lead to a lot of changing of positions out on the water.

The 2 races before Lunch, were dominated by Curtis in the Topper fleet but he had to fight off James and Andy continually to keep his 1st Places.

In the afternoon the course was changed to a figure of 8 and 2 more races took place. All the fleets were changing positions during the afternoons racing due to the wind picking up and there being a few capsizes, this made for exciting viewing for the on shore parents. A great day had by all.

Overall Results:

PosFirst NameSurnameClubBoroughR1R2R3R4
1RosieArrowssmithThamesmead YMCABexley1111
1Curtis McKayHilllingdon Outdoor Activities Centre/QSCHillingdon1112
2James SmaggasgaleHilllingdon Outdoor Activities Centre/QSCHillingdon2221
3Andy RobsonHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon3335
4Harry GatelyThamesmead YMCABexley7454
5Aleksandar PavlavThamesmead YMCABexley41283
6William CurtlerHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHarrow56116
7Kenny FreemanHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHarrow10569
8Sam HurstHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon81497
9Connor BeattieHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon691011
10Aaliya NadeemHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon912414
11Nathan ColeThamesmead YMCABexley11111210
12Thomas NickollsHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon1471513
13Gregory ColeThamesmead YMCABexley1581612
14AlexAquaroLondon Nautical SchoolLambeth12101315
15Aiden RichardsHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon13167DNC
16FreddieBatesLondon Nautical SchoolLambeth1615148
RS Feva
1Frankie O'KeeffeJack HurstHOACHillingdon111
2Reece ClarkDaniel WildingThamesmead YMCABromley242
3StefanoAquaroJames GryLondon Nautical SchoolLambeth335
4RyanGrantsHarry WarrenLondon Nautical SchoolLambeth423
5TobiasSonnexJames GryLondon Nautical SchoolLambeth554
RS Tera
1Matthew BeattieHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon1113
2Harry MitchellErith YCBexley4522
3Jack WalkerHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon324DNC
4Ben WildingErith YCBexley6631
5EmmaHurstHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon2386
6John Williams‑KerslakeHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon5464
7Freya KellHilllingdon Outdoor Activities CentreHillingdon7755

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