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Junior London Traveller Circuit at Hillingdon Outdoor Activities Centre

by Julian Pearson 1 May 2012 18:42 NZST 28 April 2012
Toppers during the Hillingdon Junior Open © Julian Pearson

30 kids from all over London took part in the HOAC leg of the Junior London Traveller circuit on Saturday 28 April.

With a very inclement forecast and boats sinking in the Solent it was great to see 4 races being run in the increasing breeze, and so many kids enjoying the conditions.

The Laser Radial class had only HOAC boats, with Mary Horsely beating her brother to take top position.

In the Topper class the kids from Docklands Watersport Centre dominated, taking the first 3 places, and setting a challenge to all the other clubs for the rest of the series. The first race was won by Leila Moore, then Ionna Dixon went on to win the next two races, putting her in a safe first position for the event. In the final race Grace Bradley Shanker took the lead at the begging and managed to increase it on every round to give her the last race. The winner on points was Ionna Dixon.

The RS Feva had some great racing with some very close finishes between the first 2 boats. Courtney Billborough and Raya Uzunova from Docklands won, followed by Oliver and Sam Lythgoe for HOAC with Jack Prentice and Dylan Jones from West reservoir. In 3rd.

HOAC also ran an event for their local Tera fleet at the same time, The winner of this was Betina Dows.

The event was sponsored by Virtual Rigger who kindly provided the prizes. Thanks also to the team at HOAC who put on the event.

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