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4000 Eurocup & UK Nationals 2019 at Royal Torbay Yacht Club sponsored by Stroma & Rooster Sailing

by Neil Heffernan 10 Aug 2019 18:30 NZST 30 July - 2 August 2019

27 teams from the UK, France, Italy and Belgium made the journey to the English Riviera for the 2019 Eurocup/UK Nationals hosted by Royal Torbay Yacht Club (RTYC) and a great event it turned out to be. This year was the first time in the class's history that the Eurocup was held in the UK and to help put on a good show the event was sponsored by Stroma and Rooster.

After some champagne conditions during the practice days, the wind blew in a bit hard on Day 1 and after much deliberation the prudent decision was made not to send the fleet out in 25kn+ building breeze. So, racing adjourned, focus turned to cream teas and the social side of things. The first evening was marked with a Commodore's reception in the club followed by an excellent BBQ and time to catch up with our foreign competitors.

Day 2 saw much more favorable conditions, and with winds between 8-12kn the fleet made its way into the bay for four hotly contested races. Race 1 was taken by Duccio and Giovanni (ITA 4683) who lost no time in setting the pace after their victory in the Italian Nationals. Cedric and Anthony (FRA 4468), last year's champions, took race 2 with race 3 going to Duccio and Giovanni again before team Tylecote took the fourth race in GBR 4281. Special mention to John and Fran (GBR 4588) who would have won the Duckham's, if it still existed, after inadvertently berthing their 4k amongst the yachts in the marina rather than landing at the more traditional slipway.

Following racing a games night was put on in the club with the theme of fun and giant games. These consisted of connect 4, Jenga, twister, tick tack toe, to name a few. Although the clear favorite was the boat racing across the floor of the bar. There were a lot of takers keen to win and get a chance to win some of the excellent prizes provided by Rooster.

Day 3 had five races planned to catch up the missing races and head off what was a light forecast for the final day. This was always going to be a long day and a decider. And indeed, so it was; in lighter conditions than Day 2, Duccio and Giovanni never dropped out of the top 3 and cemented a commanding lead whilst Steve and Sarah (GBR 4562) consistently finished strongly with Trevor and Adrien also acquitting themselves well (EUR 4423). By the end of the day some more consistent sailing saw some more familiar names at the front of the pack.

The social for the evening was the traditional Euros Gala dinner. The club did us proud and produced an excellent meal enjoyed by all. During the dinner Tim Litt gave some details to the visiting fleets of the 4000 Match Racing which he is running at Rutland Sailing Club. If you want to know more, please get in touch via the 4000 web page.

Day 4 delivered more sun and light winds, but more than enough for racing allowing the Race Office to get the full series of races in despite losing the first day. Duccio and Giovanni continued to demonstrate winning pace, whilst David and Lenny (GBR 4568) clearly mastered the conditions to score three top 5 finishes whilst returners John and James (GBR 4104) finished their event on a high note with a victory!

It is noticeable that over the last few years the quality of the sailing in the whole 4000 fleet has increased significantly proving to be a challenge for sailors of all calibre. Small mistakes were punished hard and recovery sails very difficult. It was also clear from the results that the weight equalization system is still second to none as crews of all weights were doing well in all conditions. If there was ever a draw to get people back into 4000s the quality of the racing should speak for itself but, if that is not enough the ridiculously cheap boats should be. Thanks to the class support from Rooster, you can get all parts required to dig out a boat, clean it, and join us. Next year's Euros are currently planned for mid-July in Sanguinet, France.

This year the fleet was particularly pleased to welcome some newcomers and some old faces back. It was great to see the draw of a major event attracting people to the class either for the first time or a second go around.

Huge thanks to RTYC for hosting the event, to Bob Penfold and race team for his excellent Race management and to Jo and Richard de Fleury from the UK Class Association for doing so much getting the event organized. Thanks also to our event sponsors Stroma and Rooster who helped provide discounted entries, entertainment, pictures, technical support and prizes.

Congratulations to Duccio and Giovanni on adding the Eurocup to their recent Italian National victory, to Steve and Sarah Cockerill on their second place and to team Tylecote for third. Congratulations also to Steve and Sarah on regaining the UK National title. See you in Sanguinet next year, or if you're in the UK at one of the remaining events on the circuit - see

Overall Results:

PosNatSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12Pts
1ITA4683Duccio COLOMBIGiovanni PuntelloCentro formazione VM141332211361220
2GBR4562Steve COCKERILLSarah COCKERILLStokes Bay SC55592164545541
3GBR4281Steve TYLECOTEBen/Jamie TYLECOTERutland S.C.141141131093131045
4FRAMCE4534Yannick GABORIAUDLoic GABORIAUDClub de voile de Sanguinet3725581382710648
5GBR4423Trevor PEIRCEAdrien PEIRCESNEH712121015786136767
6GBR4568David MARCHANTLenny De SILLVAGrafham Water S.C.1623144810381222467
7GBR4104John WILSONJames BARKERPuerto Galera Y.C.1063661111101179169
8GBR4588John REYNOLDSFran HOWELLGrafham Water S.C.91191475752827871
9FRANCE4468Anthony SCOUANECCedric GENDRONASNQ11111811441365111272
10FRANCE4414Thomas RETAILLAUDNicolas SAILLARDAPPC Voile Sportive69621028171291172389
11GBR4546Tim LITTFreya PEMBERYRutland S.C281616284612241241692
12GBR4343Neil HEFFERNANJo MORRISONQueen Mary S.C.421311172851979171196
13ITA4538Anna FERRARIAndrea CAVAGLIERIAval‑CDV13102879131471910814105
14FRANCE56Michael DUFLOSAnna GueutierCentre Nautiqe d.a.21381728918151813159119
15ITA4695Edoardo CRIMINIPierandrea ContiPlanet Sail Bracciano12815152114151414151620138
16GBR4600Alexander CRAMPCharlotte HeffernanGraffham Water201910182019161110171218150
17GBR4506Stewart PATIENCEMark DOMAILLBerliner Y.C.81517131315191823271323154
18GBR4572Richard deFLEURYEd DEACONYorkshire Dales SC1921191912169202120183155
19ITA4652Mattia ZAMBETTILudovico di COSSATOMarvelia171720121918212215191413164
20GBR4701Matt REYNOLDSLuis Franois ole ROBIANOGrafham Water S.C.15147161822202826142817169
21GBR4218Mark STITSONKevin REEDRoadford Lake S.C.212218201612131716182121172
22FRANCE4611Stephan BOHUAnne Gael GOURDINSNOS Voile181823211417221622161919180
23ITA4264Elisa DOMPETania TAGLIABUIMarvelia Skiffsailing222021232221232124272022215
24ITA4594Arancia MALASPINAFrancesco LonghettiMarvelia Skiffsailing282422222520242420212226224
25ITA4613Roberto RAGANIRosabella GandiniMarvelia Skiffsailing262727242323252317232325232
26GBR4296Alan LUCASAndrew BEAUMONT‑HOPERoyal Temple Y.C.232524252424262525222724241
27GBR4034Rhys COLEMANKate BOBYNGrafham Water S.C.262628272625282626272727263

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