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Bembridge Illusion Christmas Cracker 2024

by Mike Samuelson 30 Dec 2024 18:39 NZDT 28-29 December 2024

Despite the last Regatta drawing a large fleet on the Saturday, another early-ish start (09:30) and a disappointing forecast predicting little or no wind for the first day of this year's Christmas Cracker resulted in only 12 boats readying themselves for racing. A certain lunch-time drinks party also kept a few away!

After considerable discussion and a recce in the harbour, Sea Breeze headed out of the harbour hoping to find a workable breeze. We should have known better! After a lot of towing and prayers to the wind gods, everyone made it to the start area and so the sequence got under way about 30 minutes later than scheduled. With just under a minute to go what little breeze there was veered to the north and dropped away. However in hopeful anticipation that fickle breeze would settle back to the WNW, the race was left to run its course.

Start of Race 1 on Saturday

Those who started at the Committee Boat end of the line, chose wisely and with the zephyrs mostly coming from the north, quite a few made it to the windward mark in one tack. Caroline Simonds was first round with Owen Pay, Bruce Huber and Bill Daniels not far behind. After extending her lead slightly on the reach/run to the leeward gate she then had to watch in frustration as half the fleet overtook her on the leg back to the line. As is so often the case, Bruce found the occasional zephyr and ghosted gently towards the line while the back markers struggled to make the leeward gate. With no sign of the breeze increasing, the race was finished on the line with Bruce three minutes ahead of Owen; Oliver was third and Rosie was fourth. With further racing abandoned, the back markers where finished in the position they were and everyone headed back into the harbour either under tow or predictably on the new breeze that kicked in 10 minutes after racing was abandoned!

Sunday's forecast was not very promising either, however 16 boats ventured forth in the overcast, misty and fickle N/W light breeze. As they had done the day before the course was set up just outside the harbour in the hopes of a slightly clearer breeze. Given the tricky fickle conditions, the start of the first race was pretty impressive.

Start of Race 1 (2) on Sunday

Having made reasonable progress on the beat to the windward mark, Owen Pay and Bruce Huber were the first two to begin the slow run down to the leeward gate. Bruce moved into the lead before they reached the gate, but with the breeze coming and going it was very slow and rather than prolong the agony, it was decided to finish after the first round. A decision that was certainly welcomed by Olly Laughton-Scott who had pulled up into third.

The start of the second race looked as if it was heading for a General Recall, however it was let go and no-one was advantaged (or disadvantaged).

Start of Race 2 (3) on Sunday

Although a few tacked early onto port, the majority stayed on starboard in the hopes of picking up te zephyrs off the St Helens shore. The surprise leader at the windward mark by quite a margin was a recent new Illusion addict, William Mills. Indeed he held the lead all the way to the leeward gate! However even though the windward & spreader where relocated to make a shorter course, he sadly was unable to hold onto the lead and in the end finished well down the fleet. Meanwhile Justin Biddle, Mike Toogood and Caroline Simonds took over in front with Caroline managing to move ahead on the run back down to the leeward gate; Bill Daniels made a storming finish to take second with Mike T third.

With the tide on its way down and most people (including the Race Officers) starting to get quite cold, it was agreed that the third race of the day would be the last. In the event a wise decision as what little breeze there was kept coming and going. As can be seen in the start video, everyone played safe and the line was well clear.

Start of Race 3 (4) on Sunday

Go left or go right to find the breeze was the challenge but after what at times could best be described as a 'drifting match' it was Mike Issaias who rounded the windward mark well ahead. Owen was next followed by Andy Christie. With progress to the leeward gate painfully slow and no sign of the breeze returning it was decided to finish the race as boats crossed the start/finish line on the run. Typically having seen the first two or three finish, the breeze then picked up a bit and saw the mid-fleet all finish close together.

Saturday's single race and three races on Sunday meant that there was a discard. Bruce and Owen finished with 6 points each but with two firsts to Owen's three seconds, Bruce won the Christmas Cracker; Mike Issaias was third and Justin Biddle fourth.

Racing for the oldest Illusion trophy, the Icebreaker, takes place Monday 30th December and on Tuesday 31st December, albeit the forecast for Tuesday is for strong winds so it may be restricted to just the one day.

Overall Results:

PosSkipperSail NoR1R2R3R4Pts
1Bruce Huber10111456
2Owen Pay16022626
3Mike Issaias1526115112
4Justin Biddle85S62412
5Caroline Simonds67871715
6Rosie Gosling130488618
7Andy Christie149997319
9Olly Laughton‑Scott80S312924
10Bill Daniels68513101126
11Hugh Doherty124S491427
12Andrew/Ed Eddy2710514R29
13Robin Ebsworth12111515834
13William Mills1051212131034
15Simon Birchenough136S14111136
16Oliver Morgan1693SSS39
17John Birchenough156S16161547

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