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Bembridge Illusion Valentine Trophy 2025

by Mike Samuelson 17 Feb 12:26 NZDT 15-16 February 2025

Unsurprisingly the annual Illusion weekend for the Valentine's Trophy is programmed for the weekend closest to Valentine Day that the tides will allow. Fortunately this year, the tides where perfect for the weekend immediately after the special day for celebrating romance and love. Mind you, whether there was much love lost on the race course is another matter!!

Seventeen enthusiastic Illusionists launched on Saturday morning and headed down the harbour to the start area in a light but cold South/South Easterly breeze. After a 10 minute postponement to allow the last few boats to reach the Committee boat, the first start saw Matt Solan and Richard Ambler over cooking it and having to return. There were a couple of other boats that got away with it including Colin Simonds, however in his case it made little difference as he finished in eleventh place!

The main fleet split tacks as they tried to take advantage (or not be disadvantaged) by the 30 degree windshifts. Mark Downer was first round the windward marks with David Russel-Jones, Hugh Doherty, Oliver Morgan, Raymond Simonds and Jo Downer trying their best to catch him. Mark extended his lead on the second round and finished a minute ahead of Raymond with Oliver and David taking third and fourth.

The start of the second race saw two General Recalls, the second with the U Flag flying! Much to everyone's relief, the third attempt under the Black Flag was successful.

Although safe from being forced over the line, Raymond and Jo both took penalties for rule infringements close to the Committee Boat. Matt Solan was first round the windward marks and held onto the lead for the first two rounds; indeed on the second round he extended his lead, however on the third round he was relentlessly chased down by Mark who finished fourteen seconds ahead of him. Colin was third and Oliver was fourth.

The third and final race of the day, started under Flag U got away first time. Raymond lead almost from the start and had established a safe lead going into the second round. Mark meanwhile found himself buried at the start and so was always in catch up mode.

However unsurprisingly his slicker boat handling soon saw him moving up the fleet as they juggled with the unstable breeze. Raymond turned out to be uncatchable and finished forty seconds ahead of his brother Colin with Mark third and David R-J fourth

As always lots of close racing throughout the fleet with a number of very close finishes

Racing on Sunday was an hour later and after a bit of chasing the first race actually started on time, albeit there were a couple of late comers! A brisk F3-4 Easterly breeze meant that with the Committee Boat down by Fisherman's Pontoon and the windward marks on the bank opposite the Illusion Park it was possible to set up a good long course. After a clean start, it was Colin who lead the fleet of fifteen boats round the windward marks and back down to the leeward gate.

With Mark stuck in a Management meeting, the chasing fleet lead by Raymond, Justin Biddle (who had not raced the day before), Oliver and Mike Issaias kept him on his toes; indeed on the final run Raymond found the extra pace and finished a couple of boat lengths ahead. Jo was third and Oliver was fourth.

With Mark arriving just in time for the start of the second race, it was a bit of 'normal service has been resumed' as after the start he just out sailed the rest of the fleet to finish at least a minute ahead of Bill Daniels (who like Justin had not sailed the day before). With the Brading Haven Slow handicap and Scow fleet course crossing between the Illusion line and the leeward gate, unfortunately one of two Illusions found themselves clashing however that is all part of racing in Bembridge harbour! Despite touching the bottom as he tacked up the St Helens shore, Raymond just beat Jo into third.

Much to the RO's surprise, the third and final race of the day saw another clean start under Flag P. With most realising that tacking up the St Helens shore was the best routing, there was some very close racing; that is apart from Mark who finished at the windward mark after two and a half rounds nearly two minutes ahead of Justin and Caroline with Hugh in fourth.

So after two excellent, albeit chilly, days racing, it was no great surprise to find Mark coming out the winner of the 25th Anniversary of the Trophy which he first won when it was first raced for in February 1990. Raymond was second and Colin was third. The Ladies Trophy is on its way back to the Downer house after Jo finished one point ahead of Caroline.

No racing next weekend as the wrong tides; the weekend after (1st & 2nd March) is for the Stratton Trophy - a silver Nef galleon.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1164Mark Downer113S117
2165Raymond Simonds26113613
3170Colin Simonds1132211523
4169Oliver Morgan34948827
5166Jo Downer5111234730
667Caroline Simonds610787331
7124Hugh Doherty913865432
8152Mike Issaias81213512946
9174Serena Gosling13911991048
10155David Russell‑Jones444SSS54
11106Matt Solan725SSS56
1285Justin BiddleSSS76257
1312Robin Ebsworth15161412131266
1468Bill DanielsSSS1021367
15136John BirchenoughR141613141168
16156Richard Ambler1278SSS69
17147Monty Irwin10810SSS70
18150Will Lowe14151515161675
1980Olly Laughton‑ScottSSS11101477
20138Ian PrideauxR171714161579

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