The Season Finale at Overy Staithe Sailing Club
by Jennie Clark 24 Sep 2024 18:24 NZST
21-22 September 2024

Season Finale at Overy Staithe © Jennie Clark
The 2024 season at Overy Staithe SC drew to a close with two days of great sailing over the weekend of 21 and 22 September. It's been a busy year for 'the club with no clubhouse' which has seen racing well supported with a notable growth in junior competitors.
Saturday 21 September saw the fleet racing for the Chris Geering Trophy. It was a gloriously sunny morning, a real treat after some slightly less appealing weather in the previous 10 days. A very high tide was forecast and fairly rushed in, and with the combination of the strong current and a very light wind getting away from the quay proved 'interesting' for some and 'impossible' for others. Alex Scoles, assisted by Gemma Dow before racing commenced, managed to tow a number of competitors 'round the corner', and into slightly more wind, retrieving some who were heading backwards up the creek at a rate of knots! Thanks to Andrew Storer who was Race Officer and to Alex (and Gemma) for safety duties.
1st OK, Peter Turner, 2466
2nd Sharpie, Ben Johnson & Will Worsley, 2633
3rd OK, Rodney Tidd, 2648
4th Laser 4.7, Sam Worsley, 2664
5th Laser, Luke Cornwall Jones, 2705
6th Laser Vago, George & Sid Smith, 2742
7th Laser, Rod Thorpe, 2804
8th Twinkle 12, Paul Goakes & Gemma Dow, 2810
9th Albacore, Sam & Richard Mason, 2820
10th Lightning, Jane Heath, 2838
11th Laser Radial, Catherine Goodley, dnf
Sunday 22 September was the Trafalgar Trophy race and provided another very pleasant sail in a force 2 easterly to wrap up the last race of the season. Pete again disappeared into the distance chased by Sam and Richard in the Albacore, who were having a much better day, and Rodney in his OK. Many thanks to Camilla & Richard Warner for officiating and to Alex Scoles in the safety boat.
1st OK, Peter Turner, 1977
2nd OK, Rodney Tidd, 2160
3rd Albacore, Sam & Richard Mason, 2171
4th OK, Andy Turner, 2185
5th OK, Bernard Clark, 2205
6th Laser, Rod Thorpe, 2213
7th Laser, Luke Cornwall Jones, 2223
8th Twinkle 12, Paul Goakes & Catherine Goodley, 2258
9th Sharpie, Alex & Charlie Smith, 2265
10th Lightning, Jane Heath, 2312
11th Laser Radial, Sam Worsley, 2343
12th Family 14, Will Worsley & Fred Worsley, 2386
13th Enterprise, Rob Archer & Dan Sayer, 2525
The club now looks forward to its annual prize-giving dinner in early January, and a busy 2025 season.