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Sailability Scotland Challenger Traveller Series 2024 event at Loch Earn Sailing Club

by Annie Molyneux 30 Aug 02:13 NZST 24-25 August 2024
Numbers 3 and 295 - Sailability Scotland Challenger Traveller Series event at Loch Earn © Jane Foster

The strong winds forecast for Saturday 24th did not disappoint. The Westerly wind bounced down the Loch bringing gusts of up to 30mph. This proved to be ideal, with exciting, Challenger sailing, but the shifts demanding concentration from all sailors.

Duncan Greenhalgh (280) gained a narrow lead in the first race and held it right to the end - thoroughly enjoying the conditions. Stephen Laycock (3) was really pleased with his 3rd place insisting he had travelled further and faster than anyone else in his search for the right buoys! A very wet fleet returned to shore for one of Jean's much appreciated excellent lunches.

After lunch Annie organised the volunteer shore crew to launch everyone back onto the water for races 2 and 3. Race 2 saw Val Millward (312) gain the better start, Duncan misjudged his tack allowing Val to call 'starboard'. Whilst Duncan completed his 360 Val romped away to win race 2 and followed it up with another win in race 3. Stephen Thomas Bate (238) meanwhile was thoroughly enjoying the high speed reaches and achieved 3rd place in races 2 and 3.

It was really pleasing to see Poppy Ann (295), Craig Moffett's Challenger, sailed by Jack Halcrow, competing in the event. Not having sailed dinghies for many years his keelboat sailing led to a school boy error at the leeward mark. He forgot to put his centreboard down to beat back upwind. However, lesson learned - he would put this right in Sunday's races.

Overnight leader was Val with 2 wins followed by Duncan with 1.

Sunday 25th saw rain coming down like stair rods. When the wind blew it was like sailing into a hailstorm. Another gusty day! Duncan needed to win race 4 to make it 2 wins each between himself and Val.

Most unusually for the Challengers, race 4 started with a general recall. This was unfortunate for Duncan as he had nailed the start whereas Val had not. The situation was reversed for the restart.

Races 4 and 5 proved to be a 'Ladies First' with Val taking both wins. Jack and Poppy Ann were clearly getting the hang of this Challenger racing and gained a creditable 2nd in race 5. Stephen Thomas notched up another couple of thirds.

So overall Val took the win, with Duncan second, and Stephen Thomas third.

Many thanks to the Race Officer, safety crews and all of Loch Earn's willing and most helpful volunteers. The Challengers hope to return next year.

Scotland's Challenger fleet departed Loch Earn to take part in the Clyde Corinthian YC "Round Shuna Race Weekend": starting with Saturday's feeder race from Ardfern to Craobh Haven before the Round Shuna Pursuit Race for yachts, keelboats and dinghies on Sunday!

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5Pts
1st312Val MillwardRutland Sailing Club‑211114
2nd280Duncan GreenhalghBassenthwaite Sailing Club1222(DNC)7
3rd238Stephen Thomas BateAnnandale SC(DNC)333312
4th295Jack HalcrowLoch Earn Sailing Club‑4444214
5th3Stephen LaycockSailability Scotland3‑555417

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