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Scottish Open Challenger Championship 2024 at Loch Venachar Sailing Club

by James Flanagan 11 Aug 19:33 NZST 3-4 August 2024
Scottish Open Challenger Championship 2024 © Stephen Phillips

On Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August ten Challengers entered the SOCC hosted by Loch Venachar Sailing Club. A great turn out with competitors travelling from far and wide to sail in the heart of the Trossachs in Central Scotland.

Unfortunately, David Driffell took ill on Saturday morning and had to go to hospital to be checked out. He was OK but was unable to take part in the weekends sailing.

On Day 1 racing got under way a bit later than scheduled with Duncan Greenhalgh crossing the finish line first closely followed by Val Milward in race one.

After lunch the next two races took place, after a false start and with the wind increasing the windward mark proved interesting with one boat running aground trying to round the mark before a run to the next mark. Val Milward was triumphant in both races 2 and 3 with Duncan Greenhalgh following with two second places. All competitors commenting on the conditions being ideal for the Challengers.

On Sunday morning and after some windward mark moving and a shortening of the start line the next two races were held back to back. With the wind not as strong as the Saturday afternoon Val continued to lead with two firsts and Duncan second in race 4 and Stephen Thomas Bates second in the final race of the day. Toward the back of the fleet three boats were vying for position with close sailing round the windward mark which continued to the finish with fifth, sixth and seventh racing to the end.

After a misjudged start Loch Venachar's very own George Thomson won the well-attended helpers' race, with a fantastic start from Julie Leece. It was great to see this race happening and the helpers trying out the Challengers.

After the task of dismantling the travelling boats, the prize-giving got under way with Rob McDermott presenting the trophies.

  • The Sandeman Trophy (Overall Champion) - Val Milward, Rutland Sailability
  • The Helensburgh Challenger Quaich (Top Scottish Helm) - Duncan Greenhalgh, Bassenthwaite SC
  • The Consular Corp Quaich (Top Lady Helm) - Val Milward, Rutland Sailability
  • Clyde Cruising Club Trophy (Winner of the Last Race) - Val Milward, Rutland Sailability
  • Silver Fleet Winner - Chris Keats-Hannan, Scalingdam SDSWC
  • The John Heron Trophy (Winner of the Helpers Race) - George Thomson, Loch Venachar SC

A touching speech from John McPartlin remembering Ronnie Cameron who is sadly no longer with us. Ronnie was a stalwart of the Challenger fleet for many years and a pleasure to see Ronnie's family during the weekend.

Huge thanks to John and Enid McPartlin for organising the event and Loch Venachar Sailing Club for hosting with immense support from volunteers from the race officer, safety boat crews, shore teams (the challengers are not the easiest boats to get in and out!) and of course to the galley team keeping all sailors fed and watered through the weekend with a great selection of savoury and sweet snacks.

Thanks to event sponsors Hugh Campbell and Sir Boyd Tunnock together with Tesco meaning each competitor received a prize and benefited to subsidised entry fees and refreshments during the weekend, your continued support is appreciated.

A fantastic weekend with great sailing and support from all volunteers, without whom this inclusive event would not be possible!

Overall Results:

Pos Fleet Boat Sail No Club Helm R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Pts
1st Gold Legless Jester 312 Rutland Sailibility Val Milward (2) 1 1 1 1 4
2nd Gold White Knight 2 Bassenthwaite SC Duncan Greenhalgh 1 2 2 2 (DNC) 7
3rd Silver Yorkshire Rose 5 Scalingdam SDSWC Chris Keats-Hannan (11 DNF) 3 3 3 3 12
4th Silver Skean Dhu Too 238 Annandale SC Stephen Thomas Bate 3 (5) 4 4 2 13
5th Gold Wee Scot 236 Loch Venachar SC John McPartlin 4 4 5 5 (DNC) 18
6th Gold Hotscotch 233 CCCDS Dorothy Bennett (7) 7 7 6 4 24
7th Silver Scarba 3 Southwest Scotland Sailability Stephen Laycock 6 (8) 6 8 5 25
8th Silver Great Scot 237 Wigan & St Helens SC Lynn Steward 5 6 (DNF) 7 7 25
9th Silver Butterscotch 235 Loch Venachar SC James Flanagan (DNF) 9 8 9 6 32
th Gold Evelyn 275 Ogston SC Dave Driffill (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC 44

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