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C-Tech 2020 Battens 2 728x90 TOP

Taylor Canfield and crew Mike Menninger, Eric Shampain, Victor Diaz de Leon and Mike Buckley winning the 2020 WMRT championship at the Bermuda Gold Cup

© Ian Roman / WMRT
Taylor Canfield and crew Mike Menninger, Eric Shampain, Victor Diaz de Leon and Mike Buckley winning the 2020 WMRT championship at the Bermuda Gold Cup photo copyright Ian Roman / WMRT taken at Royal Bermuda Yacht Club and featuring the Match Racing class
Match RacingRoyal Bermuda Yacht Club
ABS25-SailWorld-1456x180-BOTTOM-01_05Motomuck SaltyMuck Static 728 x 90 px BOTTOMYoumans Studio That Day 1456x180 BOTTOM