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Kippford Week Galley Girls! Scott McColm presents Club Social Secretary Liz Train with a boquet with the ladies who did much for the social events, Fiona, Liz, Brydie, Lindsey and Linda

© Finlay Train
Kippford Week Galley Girls! Scott McColm presents Club Social Secretary Liz Train with a boquet with the ladies who did much for the social events, Fiona, Liz, Brydie, Lindsey and Linda photo copyright Finlay Train taken at Solway Yacht Club
MiscSolway Yacht Club
HALLSPARS_BOOMS_SW_728X99MILLIUS-65 BOTTOMLloyd Stevenson - AC ETNZ 1456x180px BOTTOMU-DECK 2023 - No.4 728x90 BOTTOM