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C-Tech 2021 (Spars-QFX Racer) 728x90 TOP

Isaac McHardie and Will McKenzie (NZL) - Silver Medalists - Mens Skiff - Paris2024 Olympic Sailing Event - Marseille - August 2, 2024

© World Sailing / Lloyd Images
Isaac McHardie and Will McKenzie (NZL) - Silver Medalists - Mens Skiff - Paris2024 Olympic Sailing Event - Marseille - August 2, 2024 photo copyright World Sailing / Lloyd Images taken at Royal Akarana Yacht Club and featuring the 49er class
49erRoyal Akarana Yacht Club
CollinsonCo 728x90 BOTTOMTNI Pindar SW Ads_728x90px-5 BOTTOMHALLSPARS_BANNER_SW_660X82-EVAI BOTTOM