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PredictWind - Wave Routing 728x90 TOP

Jussi Paavoseppä (Far Left, Team Spirit of Helsinki) climbed out of the pool, soaking wet, to collect his team's Leg 4 1st Place IRC in Sayula Class and 2nd Place IRC Overall OGR23 trophies

© Marco Ausderau / OGR2023
Jussi Paavoseppä (Far Left, Team Spirit of Helsinki) climbed out of the pool, soaking wet, to collect his team's Leg 4 1st Place IRC in Sayula Class and 2nd Place IRC Overall OGR23 trophies photo copyright Marco Ausderau / OGR2023 taken at  and featuring the Ocean Globe Race class
Ocean Globe Race
37th AC Store 2024 - 728x90 BOTTOMLloyd Stevenson - Catalyst Yacht Tender 1456x180px BOTTOMPredictWind - GPS 728x90 BOTTOM