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U-DECK 2023 - No.3 728x90 TOP

LawConnect was in second place for just about all of the trip up the River Derwent, and did not attract much of the spectator fleet. She went from 3nm astern to 30m in front. What an effort!

© Tony Lathouras
LawConnect was in second place for just about all of the trip up the River Derwent, and did not attract much of the spectator fleet. She went from 3nm astern to 30m in front. What an effort! photo copyright Tony Lathouras taken at Cruising Yacht Club of Australia and featuring the Maxi class
MaxiCruising Yacht Club of Australia
Sydney Hobart – What winning looks like from on board LawConnect
Three minute video of the very final stages of the 2023 Line Honours win in the Sydney Hobart Race
U-DECK 2023 - No.2 728x90 BOTTOMDoyle_SailWorld_728X90px-01 BOTTOMTNI Pindar SW Ads_728x90px-5 BOTTOM