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C-Tech 2020 Tubes 728x90 TOP

Jean-Philippe Blanpain's Vismara-Mills 62 Leaps and Bounds 2 was sixth overall in today's race leaving her tied on points at the top of Maxi 3 with Cippa Lippa X - IMA Maxi European Championship

© IMA / Studio Borlenghi
Jean-Philippe Blanpain's Vismara-Mills 62 Leaps and Bounds 2 was sixth overall in today's race leaving her tied on points at the top of Maxi 3 with Cippa Lippa X - IMA Maxi European Championship photo copyright IMA / Studio Borlenghi taken at  and featuring the Maxi class
C-Tech 2020 Battens 2 728x90 BOTTOMMotomuck SaltyMuck Static 728 x 90 px BOTTOMYoumans Studio Critical 1456x180 BOTTOM