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Melges 24 Corinthian World Champion 2019 - Taki 4 of Marco Zammarchi with Niccolo Bertola, Giacomo Fossati, Giovanni Bannetta. Pietro Seghezza and Giorgio de Mari

© Pierrick Contin / IM24CA
Melges 24 Corinthian World Champion 2019 - Taki 4 of Marco Zammarchi with Niccolo Bertola, Giacomo Fossati, Giovanni Bannetta. Pietro Seghezza and Giorgio de Mari  photo copyright Pierrick Contin / IM24CA taken at Lega Navale Italiana and featuring the Melges 24 class
Melges 24Lega Navale Italiana
Motomuck SaltyMuck Static 728 x 90 px BOTTOMPredictWind - Wave Routing 728x90 BOTTOMU-DECK 2023 - No.4 728x90 BOTTOM