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Apart from one small boat and the warship (ahead and to leeward of the leaders) Torbay was all but empty of spectator craft and there isn't a coach boat to be seen

© Torquay Library / Henshall
Apart from one small boat and the warship (ahead and to leeward of the leaders) Torbay was all but empty of spectator craft and there isn't a coach boat to be seen photo copyright Torquay Library / Henshall taken at  and featuring the Firefly class
Video footage of Firefly dinghies in the 1950s
We delve into the past, and round-up all videos which show sailing in the Firefly class of dinghy. We have several good ones from the 1950s.
TNI Pindar SW Ads_728x90px-2 BOTTOMCBGTG_summer24_digital_728x90 BOTTOMYoumans Studio Critical 1456x180 BOTTOM