RS Tera South West Squad Spring Half-Term Training at Paignton Sailing Club
by Dave Mountain 24 Feb 08:57 NZDT
The RS Tera South West squad continued their Winter training series at Paignton Sailing Club over half-term. They faced 15 knot winds and the session naturally shifted its focus to how to gain advantage when sailing in the considerable swell experienced in Tor Bay.
The coaching team - led by Teddy Dunn and Izzy Cramp, and ably supported by parents on and off the water - kept the sailors' spirits up in the challenging conditions. Volunteers from Paignton Sailing Club warmed the sailors up with a hot lunch before they headed out for more skills and race training in the afternoon.
The more experienced members of the squad will be returning to Paignton for more training over the weekend of 15th-16th March.
Paignton Sailing Club:
South West Tera Squad on Facebook:
For more information about Tera Sailing in the South West, get in touch at