SWYSA Youth Half-Term Training at Paignton Sailing Club
by David Mountain 23 Feb 23:56 NZDT

SWYSA Youth Half-Term Training at Paignton © Tamara Simmonds
Around 100 sailors braved extreme conditions over half-term at Paignton Sailing Club in the latest round of SWYSA's youth Winter training series. The Topper fleet were out first on Saturday facing 15 knot winds which grew stronger throughout the day.
The sailors' skills have been developing over the season, and this session was intended to focus on race tactics preparing for April's end of season regatta. This focus widened to include wave technique in the face of some considerable swell.
The ILCA and Feva fleets followed on Sunday and experienced much stiffer winds with gusts of up 30 knots. This made for some exhilarating sailing, and the majority capsized at some point. The windchill made it an icy experience for the wet sailors who warmed up with a hot lunch prepared by volunteers from Paignton Sailing Club.
Massive thanks to the coaching teams led by Duncan West, Stuart Jones, Izzy Cramp and Teddy Dunn for organising and adapting the sessions to suit the conditions, and parent volunteers for covering duties on and off the water. Paignton Sailing Club have been excellent hosts throughout the Winter. More experienced members of SWYSA's Topper fleet return for a full weekend of training on 15th-16th March.
Paignton Sailing Club: www.paigntonsailingclub.co.uk
SWYSA on Facebook: www.facebook.com/swyouthsailing