RYA Northern Ireland officially launch Northern Ireland Sailing Team Website
by RYA Northern Ireland 15 Feb 03:46 NZDT

ILCA racing in Northern Ireland © Simon McIlwaine /
RYA Northern Ireland is pleased to announce the launch a new website specifically dedicated to the Northern Ireland Sailing Team.
nisailingteam.co.uk is a 'one-stop shop' for everyone in Northern Ireland who is interested in racing or those people who want to learn more about RYA Northern Ireland programmes centred around racing.
Visiting the site will also allow people to access latest Northern Ireland Sailing Team news, a sailing calendar for the year, helpful learning resources and bios about sailors and coaches. In doing this, we hope to raise the profile of sailing in Northern Ireland and create a sense of national pride within the sailing community.
It is a significant step in to achieving the goals laid out in our five-year strategy, 'Navigating the future', as it creates an online space which will help us make progress to 'Maximising athlete potential', 'Celebrating the sport' and 'Reimagining Pathways'.
Looking ahead to the future, this website launch could not come at a better time for the Northern Irish Sailing Team. There is huge momentum behind the team as the Topper and ILCA Squads recently won the Celtic Cup with a dominant clean sweep victory and the main racing season is just about to kick off for NI Sailing Team Senior Supported Athletes.
If you have any questions about the new website or the NI Sailing Team in general, please contact