The relaunch of an iconic regatta - Cowes Classics Regatta 2025
by Cowes Classics Regatta 13 Feb 23:28 NZDT
30 May - 2 June 2025

Loch Long Racing at Cowes Classics Regatta © Tim Jeffreys Photography
Having canvassed the opinion of racing competitors, social attendees, sponsors and the clubs involved in the overall running of an event that has seen soaring popularity since inception in 2008, the Chairman and Organising Committee of Cowes Classics Regatta are delighted to unveil a new format.
Retaining the key elements of Cowes Classics 'Week', a much-loved and iconic spectacle on the racing calendar, the decision has been taken to shorten the regatta to run the event over the long weekend of Friday 30th May through to Monday 2nd June 2025, but with more racing than ever before and a schedule of shoreside activities that will match, or better, anything seen in the regatta's history.
"It was vital that we recognised the shifting demands of all our stakeholders," commented His Honour Judge Peter Ralls KC, Chairman of Cowes Classics Regatta, "whilst also retaining the key facets that have made the week-long regatta such a success in the past. I trust that competitors in the one-design fleets will find eight compacted races to be both a challenge and a welcome upscale, whilst those competing off the shoreline will complete a six-race series. Meanwhile I am enthused to see shoreside events that mirror and complement the on-water activity."
Racing is scheduled to start with two planned races from the committee boats and one from the shoreline area PM on Friday 30th May, followed by the traditional welcome drinks reception and barbecue at the outstanding and historic clubhouse of the Royal London Yacht Club. Important to note that it is the intention of the regatta organisers to be operating two committee boats on the water, to ease any congestion for what is expected to be a busy event.
Saturday 31st May will see three races from the committee boats and two races from the shoreline. A drinks reception will be held at Kendalls Fine Art Gallery, followed by the choice of dinner at the refurbished Royal Ocean Racing Club or a 'Taste of the Sea' supper at the Royal London Yacht Club.
Sunday 1st June will see two races apiece from the committee boats and shoreline ahead of drinks at the prestigious Royal Yacht Squadron and the Regatta Dinner at the Royal London Yacht Club. Sunday is also the appointed traditional 'Classics Day' and organisation is afoot once again to fill the Cowes Parade with classic cars and yachts.
For the final day, Monday 2nd June, there will be just one race AM for both the committee boat and shoreline circuits, followed by the traditional Prize giving back at the Royal London Yacht Club - and of course, light refreshments will be served.
Principal Race Officer Peter Taylor MBE, who launched the original regatta back in 2008, is looking forward to the event on the water saying: "We have always had competitive fleet racing at Cowes Classics Week and in 2025 we are looking to enhance the regatta schedule and format by providing more racing for more classes than ever before. By condensing the regatta, we believe that competitors will enjoy a 'championship' feel to their racing whilst maintaining the ethos of competition in a Corinthian spirit. Classes are welcome to enter collectively, and we encourage wide participation from around the Solent and beyond for all classic yachts."
Peter further added that: "One of the key changes for the Cowes Classics Regatta 2025 is that classic yachts competing in the handicap classes can do so under the IRC Rating Rule if they wish. This is a direct response to competitor feedback and we are delighted to facilitate this for those yachts that wish to do so."
Gill Smith, Regatta Director and one of the key architects of the new regatta format has been keen to listen to competitors, saying: "The feedback overwhelmingly was that the week-long format of Cowes Classics 'Week' needed a refresh. We understand the competing forces of time commitments over busy summers for sailors and by effectively adopting a long-weekend format competitors can arrive with their boats on Friday morning and leave on Monday. after an early afternoon Prize giving. We therefore hope that Cowes Classics Regatta will be a first entry into every classic boat sailor's diary."
"Shoreside, the event will be more accessible than ever for the competitors and their families, and we encourage everyone to see the Royal London Yacht Club as their home from home. Lunches will be served throughout the long weekend with the best viewing balcony on the south coast, plus our famous tea and cakes will be served immediately after racing. Please come and enjoy the regatta and all its associated events and do please bring your families to enjoy the occasion."
A full breakdown of classes that will be competing will be available online once entries are confirmed and the organisers are open to any classic fleets that wish to have a class start.
The updated regatta website will appear on the new domain at the end of February 2025 when the Notice of Race will be issued and entries open.
In the meantime if you have any queries please contact PRO Peter Taylor or Regatta Secretary Anna Milner.