New careers and bright futures
by Gladstone Ports Corporation 7 Feb 18:41 NZDT

Gladstone Ports Corporation's 2025 apprentices and trainees © Gladstone Ports Corporation
A cohort of fresh-faced apprentices and trainees are kick starting their careers after being welcomed into Gladstone Ports Corporation's (GPC's) workforce.
The new crew of 14 apprentices and 11 trainees are now on the job after onboarding into the highly sought-after programs.
This year's intake spans a diverse trade base including electrical, mechanical fitting, diesel fitting, refrigeration, parks and gardens as well as traineeships in resource and infrastructure, environmental maintenance and computer aided drafting (CAD).
The new starters will fill roles at a variety of locations within the Gladstone Port footprint, giving them access to valuable exposure throughout their program.
GPC's Acting CEO Jenelle Druce welcomed the new group and acknowledged the benefits for our region's skilled workforce.
"It's exciting to see so many new faces join our organisation and all of us at GPC look forward to their valued contribution to the future of our operations," Ms Druce said.
"They join a workforce of highly skilled employees with many years of experience, ensuring that on-the-job trade skills and operational knowledge are passed on to this next generation of workers," she said.
"GPC is proud to provide these important opportunities to our community.
"Our resource and infrastructure traineeship program supports Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian South Sea Islanders right through to employment.
"We're proud to secure the future for our young leaders.
"We look forward to our new recruits learning from our team as well as becoming positive advocates for trade training and careers in local industry," Ms Druce said.
GPC's leadership team thanks everyone who took the time to apply during the intake process and wishes the successful applicants the best of luck on their journey with GPC.
More than 470 applications were received for the 2025 program with the new recruits joining 35 current apprentices and trainees.
GPC is home to more than 780 employees and the apprentices and trainees will spend up to four years with the organisation learning and developing in their chosen field.