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P&B OK Dinghy End of Season Championships at Northampton Sailing Club

by Gavin Poulloin 22 Nov 2024 00:21 NZDT 16-17 November 2024

20 boats gathered at Northampton Sailing Club over the weekend of 16th - 17th November to see off the season in style at the Pinnell and Bax OK Dinghy End of Season Championships. The fleet was blessed with some perfect Autumnal weather over the weekend with Pitsford reservoir offering some challenging but a stable 6 to 12 knot Westerly wind, with the showers staying away until we'd finished sailing on both days of the events.

Race one was a close throughout with all the top five finishers of the race holding the lead at some point. Ed Bradburn pulled away down the last run of an inverted P course and held on when it mattered to take his first bullet of the weekend ahead of Andy Davis (Taxi) and Dave Bourne in third.

Race two and Taxi woke up, to lead from start to finish. Ed tried to keep him honest, but never quite managed to close the gap, and finished a comfortable second. Behind Ed and Taxi, there was a good three boat tussle taking place between Tom Lonsdale, Dave Bourne and Alex Scoles. Tom managed to get himself in the right place up the last beat to take third.

Race three, with a bit less wind and the sky darkening, the race officer changed the course to a shortened upwind downwind. Again, Taxi led Ed around the race course, Ed made him work for his race win but couldn't quite manage to beat Taxi. Like race two there was a good tussle for third, this time between the ever-improving Phil Bendon, Dave and Gav Poulloin. Gav decided he'd had enough of some good close racing and throw in his sea anchor on the last run, to leave Phil to pip Dave on the line and take a well-deserved third place in the race.

Saturday night the fleet enjoy the hospitality of the club which included a three-course meal, the presentation of the season's travellers' prizes, and loads of goodies from North Sails, Allen, and Pinnell and Bax raffled off to all that were there. Most people managed to win something to take home from the weekend.

Sunday morning, and a few needed a good breakfast and strong coffee before the two races of the day. Race 4 and for the first half of the race there was a good five boat tussle between Taxi, Ed, Dave, and now Burt, and Karen Robertson, with Gav, Tom and Alex not far behind. By the end of the last run Taxi and Ed had pulled away, with Taxi taking the race win, and with it enough to win the event from Ed in second. Dave held on for third, with Alex, Gav and Tom all crossing the line together not far behind.

Race five. The wind had dropped and swung a bit to the North. With a big committee boat end the fleet got a bit excited, and we had general recall. For the restart the U flag was up, but that didn't deter Tom and Rodney Tidd from starting early, and thus taking an early bath. In the race Gav lead from Taxi and Ed around the first mark, and the three boats constantly swapped place through whilst still managing to pull away from the rest of the fleet. On the last mark, Taxi had a slight lead but must have had a nap up the last small beat, and didn't notice Ed and Gav heading for the pin end in more breeze, with Ed taking line honours from Gav, with Taxi falling back to third.

Overall, there was some great close racing throughout the fleet, with plenty of place changes, and some good friendly banter on the water.

Hugh thank you to Northampton Sailing club for a great evening on the Saturday, and some very slick race management on the water with quick turn rounds and great course management, all helping to provide the close racing had by all. Thank you to event sponsors Pinnell & Bax, and Tim Hampton for on-the-water photos.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5Pts
111Andy DavisSouth Staffs SC2111‑35
22260Ed BradburnSouth Staffs SC1‑22216
317Dave BourneHerne Bay SC3543DNC15
413Alex ScolesOvery Staithe SC44‑84416
577Gavin PoulloinCastle Cove SC‑6655218
633Tom LonsdaleNorthampton SC5366UFD20
7IRL9Phil BendonRSYC‑141038728
88Richard BurtonSouth Cerney SC79‑107629
955Neil GoodheadSouth Staffs SC‑1211910535
102276Keith ByersMBSC9711‑12835
1114Karen RobertsonLoch Earn SC‑15127111040
122129Paul CraigThornbury SC13‑14149945
132042Mike McMillanLoch Earn SC‑16815131147
1468Rodney TiddOvery Staithe SC11161316UFD56
1547Bernard ClarkOvery Staithe SC17131214DNC58
162053Peter NormanParkstone SC10DNCDNC151461
1758Mary ReddyhoffParkstone SC‑181716171363
182166Chris BainesMBSC‑201817181265
1973James DyasCookham Reach815DNCDNCDNC67
202222Angus RobertsCastle Cove SC19191819DNC75
211983Kieran BowsherWest Oxford. SCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC88

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