BSDRA Midland Championship 2024 at Oxford Sailing Club with Magdalen College School
by Nigel Vick 7 Oct 2024 23:28 NZDT
5 October 2024

Sevenoaks team win BSDRA Midland Championship at Oxford © Nigel Vick
The new Team Racing season got under way with Magdalen College School hosting the British Schools Dinghy Racing Association (BSDRA) Midland Championships at Oxford Sailing Club in perfect conditions. The wind slowly built from Force 2 in the morning to a challenging 4 in the afternoon, giving the eighteen teams entered great racing.
After seventy two HLS league races the split to semi-finals saw Sevenoaks Red taking on MCS Black and RHS Falcons against Winchester Blue. Both Matches went 2:0 to see Sevenoaks and RHS into the final while MCS and Winchester were relegated to the petit.
The petit-final went to three races with Winchester beating MCS into fourth place.
The final looked to be going to three races as RHS led off the starting line and up the first beat of the second race but a masterful passback at mark one put Sevenoaks into a commanding lead and there was no coming back for the RHS Falcons.
Thus it was that the Sevenoaks team of Jamie Middleburgh, Josh Beverley, Izzy Johnson, Grace Davies, Oli Chambers and Henry Wilkinson won the BSDRA Midlands with RHS second and Winchester third.
Full results can be seen at using the 'Results' option in the upper menu bar.