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Miracle National Championship 2024 at Rutland Sailing Club - Day 4

by Brian Jones 16 Aug 2024 09:04 NZST 12-16 August 2024

The fleet obviously whistled too loud for the wind yesterday because today it blew 25 knots gusting 30 so exciting racing was in store.

13 Miracles were on the start line for a hard beat to windward towards the clubhouse, where a couple sort shelter, while the rest of the fleet planed down the reach with one or two casualties at the gybe mark. The pace was so fast that Jon and Jessica Willars nearly beat the mark layer trying to position the leeward mark. They continued to hold the lead to finish ahead of Simon and Vivian Turnball (both lightweight crews) in front of Wayne Atherton and Angela Sweeney sailing to a consistent third place. Paul and Nathan Robinson were hugely enjoying the conditions being rewarded with 4th.

10 boats started race 6 with yet more attrition due to capsizes but the race officer was impressed by the general standard of sailing. Simon Turnall carelessly lost his crew during a capsize and had to retire as Vivian was rescued by the rib. Graham Watts and Helen Jacks had a much better race and came fourth. Carolyn and Nick Smith were out wide on the final downwind threatening Jon and Jessica for the lead but wiped out on the final gybe with a couple of hundred metres to go. Marcel and Giuilia sailed a storming race to take second and Andrew Clarke with a borrowed crew had his best result of the week with a seventh.

After the race was over Paul and Nathan proved they could outrun a rib!

With the wind strength still building the third race of the day was cancelled, lighter winds are forecast for the morrow. "phew" says a few!

Results after Day 4:

PosSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1st3834Jon WillarsJessica WillarsFiley Sailing Club11731114
2nd4121Wayne AthertonAngela SweeneyDelph Sailing Club35213317
3rd2007Marcel NeuteboomGiulia NeuteboomThe Netherlands56625226
4th4114Graham WattsHelen JacksStorton Harold Sailing Club223810429
5th4115Carolyn SmithNick SmithThornbury Sailing Club113156531
6th4050Simon TurnbullVivian TurnbullNeylend Yacht Club44442DNC33
7th4110Paul RobinsonNathan RobinsonWhitefriars Sailing Club79964641
8th4120Gerald CopseyTanya CopseyEly Sailing Club107898DNC57
9th3813Richard SmithBenjamin Smith, Edward SmithBroadwater Sailing Club9810117DNF60
10th4020John TippettKathy BoultonDraycott Water Sailing Club610510DNFDNS61
11th4011Simon DolmanJulia DolmanShotwick Sailing Club8DNF1179DNC65
12th3461Andrew ClarkeStephanie ClarkeWilsonian Sailing Club1211131311767
13th3463Joe BarnesBen Smith, Teddy SmithShotwick Sailing Club13121414DNFDNC83
14th4127Steven LangfordHarry LangfordBroadwater Sailing ClubDNCDNC1212DNCDNC84

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