Eight Metre World Cup comes to Helensburgh
by David Smith 4 Aug 2024 04:27 NZST
17-24 August 2024

The Eight Metre World Cup comes to Helensburgh © Neill Ross /
The world-famous and prestigious Eight Metre World Cup yacht racing event comes to the Clyde from the 17-24th August this year featuring the World's most beautiful and iconic racing yachts.
Historic and world-famous cups are also a key part of this event, with some nearly as famous as the America's Cup. The Coppa d'Italia was donated to the 8mR class in 1908 by His Majesty King Umberto of Italy and is now owned by the Yacht Club Italiano. This trophy only comes out of Italy for the week of this annual competition and is the highlight of classic yacht sailing.
Another historic cup with links to the Clyde and associated with Glasgow's Coats family is the Neptune trophy which was presented to the Royal Northern Yacht Club on the 21st of June 1890 by James Coats jun. and has been closely coveted and fought over even since.
Many of the Classic 100 year old wooden Eights have been rescued from backwaters and muddy creeks and restored. These highly-valued and cherished boats are gleaming varnish and brass, and yet some are even faster than many fibreglass modern boats. The description Eight Metre is slightly confusing as these sleek and gorgeous-looking boats are actually around 48ft/15m in length - it's complicated.
The sailing will be in the East Patch between Helensburgh and Gourock over 8 days. Over 100 competitors will arrive from around the world with their eyes on this iconic trophy. A Youth Team from Canada have even been lent a boat, and other boats will arrive from all over Europe on trucks the week before the racing.
The event organisers are Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club and the charitable Mudhook Yacht Club. Support has been received from Argyll and Bute Council due to the income to the economy and a civic reception will take place in the Town hall to welcome all of the teams with the local pipe band in support.
A superb social program will accompany the event with the host Club promoting the excellence of Scottish Seafood and haggis. There is even a mini-highland games after the sailing one evening in which the Teams will also compete. A whisky tasting will also showcase Scotland.
Spectator boats are available through companies based at Rhu marina and can take you out to see the spectacular racing close up and to see these stunning and evocative yachts.