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National 12 Dinghy Shack Series and Smugglers' Trophy 2024 at Royal Harwich Yacht Club

by George Finch 13 Jul 2024 06:32 NZST 6-7 July 2024
National 12 Dinghy Shack Series and Smugglers' Trophy at Royal Harwich © Steve Le Grys

The N12 fleet once again joined in the annual Smugglers' Trophy at Royal Harwich Yacht Club over the weekend of 6th & 7th July.


Unseasonable weather including too much rain and some strong gusts greeted the 12 National 12s who had turned up at Royal Harwich for the weekend. Without much delay, the fleet launched and headed to the race area, opposite the RHYC clubhouse.

PRO for the weekend, Gordon Sutton, laid a "Figure of 8" course for the first race (a kind move, since in theory, it means no gybes, but on the other hand, two beats...). The fleet got away cleanly and it was clear that Tom Stewart (crewed, for the first time by Rhona Enkel) (N3544) wasn't worn out despite a week of Merlin Rocket sailing at Salcombe & long drive back to Suffolk only a few hours before. First at the windward mark, followed by Graham & Blue Camm (N3530).

This set the scene for most of the weekend, although George Finch & Emily Mann (N3551) found some great boat speed during the second lap, allowing them to hold 3rd place for a while. It didn't last though, whilst playing it safe on the deep reach (which involved a gybe or two, despite the figure of eight course), Zoe Meadowcroft & Zoe Ballantyne (N3471) sailed into third. Chris & Nicole Mayhew (N3437) looked to do the same and gybed onto starboard, but after a wobble (Chris fell over, lets be honest) led to a mark infringement.

Race 2 was set as a trapezoid, with the gybe mark in perfect view of the RHYC clubhouse. The top two leaders kept their positions as in Race 1, but further down the fleet there were a few spills and swims, but at least the water in the River Orwell was warmer than the falling rain.

Race 3 was set as a Triangle/Sausage, but with an ebbing tide there was only time for one full lap. Rich Williams (Burton Cup Winner in 2004) had flown in from Australia just for the N12 event at RHYC and was crewed by the familiar Stella Blackwell (N3450), rekindling a sailing partnership from two decades ago. Their aim for the day was to stay upright, which was achieved, along with some close racing against fellow non-T-foiled N12 Adam Fuller & Saffron Hill (N3467).

The fleet then headed ashore to enjoy a BBQ on the club lawn (mainly enjoyed inside) and relax by watching the England Football match (not relaxing).


The traditional Smugglers' Pursuit Race didn't see many takers, with sailors from the N12, Laser & Phantom fleets feeling a bit worn out after the previous day & saving themselves for a full on day of racing again. However, Tom & Freddie Evans (N3518) took to the water and as the first N12 to finish the Smugglers' Pursuit Race, they won the RHYC Burton Salver. Not bad for their first Open Meeting in N3518, and Freddie is only 7!

The three races on Sunday challenged the fleet & race officer alike. A figure of 8 course was set for Race 4, and repeated for Races 5 & 6. Tom Stewart & Rhona Enkel (N3544) maintained their performance of Saturday, with 3 race wins, although were challenged at times by Graham & Blue Camm (N3530).

The most exciting part of the weekend happened during Race 5, when a full white-out squall blew across the race course. Luckily the N12s were heading upwind, and most survived by "sheeting out & hiking". Unfortunately for Robbie & Charlotte Stewart (N3501), they were mid-720 when the squall hit, which resulted in a prompt swim, and a few of the fleet were conveniently heading in the direction of the RHYC clubhouse and opted to continue on that trajectory, rather than try and tack towards the windward mark.

The real winners were Zoe Meadowcroft & Zoe Ballantyne (N3471) who rounded the windward mark 1st, just after the squall had blown through. They kept their position for a good amount of time, but were eventually overhauled by Tom Stewart & Rhona Enkel (N3544), with Graham & Blue Camm (N3530) completing the podium for Race 5.

After six races, the remaining N12 fleet enjoyed a reach back to the RHYC Clubhouse & some well-earned refreshments after a breezy weekend of sailing.

The next Dinghy Shack Series event is at Snettisham Beach Sailing Club on 20th & 21st July, as the first two days of North West Norfolk Sailing Week, with the fleet also continuing their East Anglian 2024 season with Burton Week (National Championships) at Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club from 18th to 23rd August.

Overall Results:

PosCategorySail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stFoiling3544Tom StewartRhona EnkelRHYC/Waldringfield SC‑1111115
2ndFoiling3530Graham CammBlue CammBurghfield SC22‑323211
3rdFoiling3437Chris MayhewNicole MayhewRHYC‑53234315
4thFoiling U21 Helm3471Zoe MeadowcroftZoe BallantyneSalcombe/Burghfield SC344‑52417
5thFoiling3551George FinchEmily MannRHYC4‑7775629
6thNon‑Foiling3450Richard WilliamsStella BlackwellRHYC‑85586731
7thFoiling3540Jon IbbotsonJames PipeRHYC6(RET)DNS47838
8thNon Foiling3467Adam FullerSaffron HillRHYC/OYC/WSC9669(RET)DNC43
9thFoiling U21 Helm3501Robert StewartCharlotte StewartRHYC/Waldringfield SC7(RET)DNS6RET544
10thFoiling U21 Helm3492Toby BushCiara WoodardRHYC/Waldringfied SC(RET)9RET118950
11thNon Foiling3459Rob FordHarley FordRHYC108(RET)10RETDNC54
12thFoiling3518Tom EvansFred EvansNorthampton SC11(RET)DNS12RETDNC62

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