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Salcombe Gin Merlin Rocket Week 2024 at Salcombe Yacht Club - Day 3

by Tim Fells 3 Jul 2024 06:05 NZST 30 June - 5 July 2024

Following the traumas of Monday, the fleet woke to bright sunshine and a brisk breeze. Would it be from a more helpful direction?

Well, slightly. A touch more north meant that there was a bit more breeze down through the town and there was the prospect of some normal racing.

RACE 5: GREEN v BLUE Flights, COURSE 7,3,7,1

With a light breeze on the line and a flood tide underneath them, the fleet lined up early and there was an inevitable general recall. Race officer for the day Scud Stewart kept his counsel on miscreants and rolled straight into another start that again was not clear but was let go. Spectators at the club were left to see who would be sent home early. The final tally was 13 having an early bath.

From the start, those who got onto port from the middle of the line were away in clear air with Chris Gould and Sophie Mackley showing well and Christian Birrell and Sam Brearey in close company. On the beat up to Gerston, Arran Holman and Faye Chatterton showed some stellar speed to come through and take a narrow lead onto the run. However, with the two leaders engrossed in a match race, Chris and Sophie took the low route out of the tide to come though to lead at Crossways.

With a good NNW holding down the main Kingsbridge channel, the fleet enjoyed a good beat back up to Gerston and run back to the harbour, by which time Chris and Sophie had worked out a 200m lead with Alex Jackson and Pippa Kilsby working their way up to second. Although the wind was starting to break up the leading two negotiated a near windless Blackstone mark and came in comfortably ahead of the chasing pack who were becalmed fighting the tide. Chris and Sophie taking a well earnt first bullet of the week.

Christian and Sam managed to get the better of a fight to the line with Caroline Gould and Livvy Bell. Matt and Hannah Greenfield successfully converted another position in the leading pack to come in fifth ahead of Alex Warren and Jonty Freeman enjoying their best result of the week.

RACE 6: RED v BLACK Flights, Course 8,3,6,5,2

The afternoon race had a nice 8-10 knots of NNW on the line with a bias towards the town end. A clean start saw Tom Morris and Chris Kilsby jump into the lead onto the long beat up to Balcombe near Kingsbridge with Mike and Jane Calvert giving chase. The top two overnight, Tom Gillard / Ollie Meadowcroft and Will and Arthur Henderson were both in the top ten but had some work to do.

Turning on to the run Rob Kennaugh and Andrew Prosser were running well in the top group along with Chris Haworth and Stuart Aston in their beautifully restored 40-year-old boat 'Shadowfax' in which Chris finished third at the 1985 Championships.

Places remained unchanged on the run but on the beat into Frogmore the wind started to die and Mike and Jane were able to reel in Tom and Chris and establish a big lead on the run back into the harbour. Comfortably ahead, they completed the circuit around Mill Bay mark to come home well ahead and take their first bullet of the week.

Tom and Chris were still in second rounding Mill Bay but Tom and Ollie tacked away in third to play the town side and were rewarded with better pressure to come through to take second. Further back Tom Stewart and Rob Allen had a great second half of the race to climb into fourth ahead of George Yeoman and Mark Oakey, back on their horse after a trying second day. Chris and Stuart were an excellent 6th in Shadowfax.

So, at the half way stage, six races have been completed with six different race winners. Tom and Ollie have just got their noses in front of Mike and Jane with a number of teams looking forward to the discard coming in to get into the battle at the top of the leaderboard.

Results after Day 3:

PosSail NoBoat NameHelmCrewHome ClubHull colourFleetFlightR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1st3759Red MistressThomas GillardOllie MeadowcroftSheffield Viking SCRedPlatinumBlack(DNC)1DNC6DNC2251
2nd3691Quick FixMike CalvertJane CalvertAxe YCBluePlatinumBlack(DNC)2DNC7DNC1252
3rd3788Blue my mindChristian BirrellSam BreareyParkstone YCBluePlatinumBlue(DNC)53DNC3DNC253
4th3726ArwenWill HendersonArthur HendersonSalcombe YCBlue/whitePlatinumRed4(DNC)2DNCDNC9257
5th3823The Goon ShowAlex JacksonPippa KilsbyShoreham SCElf BluePlatinumGreen8(DNC)DNC52DNC257
6th3803Black SwanChris GouldSophie MackleyShoreham SCWhitePlatinumBlue(DNC)105DNC1DNC258
7th3814SonicJames GossChris WhiteSouth Staffordshire SCBluePlatinumBlack(DNC)6DNC8DNC7263
8th3820SkadiCaroline GouldLivvy BellShoreham SCGrey whitePlatinumBlue(DNC)315DNC4DNC264
9th3735Clone WarsTom MorrisChris KilsbyHayling Island SCGreyPlatinumBlack(DNC)16DNC4DNC3265
10th3764Fancy LiquorTim FellsFrances GiffordSalcombe YCBluePlatinumRed3(DNC)12DNCDNC10267
11th3364ShadowfaxChris HaworthStuart AstonBristol Corinthian YC SilverRed16(DNC)7DNCDNC6271
12th3696Tiger TigerAlex WarrenJonty FreemanShoreham SCWhiteGoldBlue(DNC)914DNC6DNC271
13th3683BluebirdTom BallantineMadeleine AndersonSalcombe YCBlueGoldRed13(DNC)1DNCDNC16272
14th3812MaumaharaTom StewartRob AllenSalcombe YCBlackPlatinumRed10(DNC)16DNCDNC4272
15th3703FaithlessRichard WhitworthJasper BramwellParkstone YCBlack WhitePlatinumBlack(DNC)13DNC9DNC8272
16th3671SnakebiteDavid ConlonRebecca BinesBrightlingsea SCBlackGoldBlue(DNC)418DNC9DNC273
17th3751NarniaMary Henderson‑WhiteRory GiffordBrightlingsea SCBlueGoldRed2(DNC)8DNCDNC22274
18th3724SublimeEd BradburnJonny CoatesSouth Staffordshire SCGreyPlatinumBlack(DNC)17DNC2DNC14275
19th3687Mellow YellowMatt GreenfieldHannah GreenfieldChew Valley Lake SCYellowGoldGreen18(DNC)DNC105DNC275
20th3676Hot TottyAntony GiffordJo GiffordRoyal Tay YCBlue (white below waterline)PlatinumGreen7(DNC)DNC197DNC275
21st3807BalooTim SaxtonHolly McArthurItchenor SCBluePlatinumGreen11(DNC)DNC1210DNC275
22nd3801PokeyMatt BiggsBeka JonesBartley SCGreyPlatinumBlue(DNC)116DNC18DNC277
23rd3777MockingjayGeorge YeomanMark OakeyItchenor SCGreyPlatinumRed1(DNC)30DNCDNC5278
24th3714KevinRob HendersonAlice MarkhamHayling Island SCBlueGoldGreen12(DNC)DNC208DNC282
25th3796ROBERTAWilliam WarrenCharlotte FildesShoreham SCBlueGoldBlue(DNC)717DNC17DNC283
26th3645Blue VelvetSteven HallCharlotte StewartRoyal Corinthian YCBlue/WhitePlatinumBlue(DNC)1213DNC16DNC283
27th3700Dumb and DumberRobert KennaughAndrew ProsserMidland SCBlueGoldBlack(DNC)18DNC16DNC12288
28th3746Point n squirtJames WellsAnna AylwardRYAWhite GreyPlatinumBlue(DNC)209DNC19DNC290
29th3625Point BreakAndrew HarrisSara WarrenTamesis SCBlueSilverBlack(DNC)14DNC21DNC21298
30th3709Wild at heartJack NortonDave RoyceRanelagh SCBlueGoldBlue(DNC)2521DNC13DNC301
31st3799Simply ScrumptiousPaul RaysonChris HillSalcombe YCGreyGoldRed15(DNC)19DNCDNC26302
32nd3611The Phantom MenaceChris DoddsAnna BlakeCarsington SCGreyGoldRed24(DNC)20DNCDNC17303
33rd3716Carbon footprintSteve LeneyGill LeneyBlithfield SCYellowGoldRed17(DNC)23DNCDNC24306
34th3731MayhemAndy JonesMaddie JonesBurghfield SCGreySilverBlue(DNC)2110DNC34DNC307
35th3710Paradigm ShiftJon IbbotsonRob StewartBurghfield SCWhitePlatinumBlack(DNC)22DNC23DNC20307
36th3659ZenoJulian ParryNicky BassHollingworth Lake SCMintGoldGreen19(DNC)DNC1829DNC308
37th3773No. 34Alan WarrenBill CarrollShoreham SCWhiteSilverBlue(DNC)2811DNC28DNC309
38th3758 David HayesGrace Al MukhtarLymington Town SCBlackPlatinumGreen38(DNC)DNC1514DNC309
39th3732Two PlanksBen HollisAlex PauseyBartley SCBlue/greySilverRed27(DNC)22DNCDNC19310
40th3652Time and TideJohn BellPhil DalbyHampton SCPurpleSilverGreen28(DNC)DNC2221DNC313
41st3715Truly ScrumptiousRichard CookeRussell HallWembley SCBlack whiteSilverGreen29(DNC)DNC3212DNC315
42nd3670Filthy GorgeousMark MckeeverOliver MacleanMidland SCBlack WhiteBronzeBlack(DNC)19DNC27DNC27315
43rd3666...ted...John MeadowcroftZoe MeadowcroftUpper Thames SCGreyPlatinumRed34(DNC)27DNCDNC13316
44th3753Appetite for destructionAndy BinesSarah CBrightlingsea SCWhiteSilverRed26(DNC)40DNCDNC15323
45th3679Daddys BoatNick HeginbothamJustine DavenportHollingworh Lake SC/South CaernarvonshirGreen/whiteGoldBlack(DNC)26DNC34DNC23325
46th3054After MythJoe McLaughlinSean RobertsTamesis SCDark Blue & WhiteSilverBlue(DNC)2926DNC30DNC327
47th3795GoonTim HarridgeRobbie/Josh LeroyHampton SCElf BlueSilverGreen30(DNC)DNC3325DNC330
48th3692NemoSteve ConroyAnna RaysonSalcombe YCTurquoiseSilverRed23(DNC)38DNCDNC28331
49th3780T CupStorm NuttallSally CuthbertSalcombe YCDark GreyBronzeBlack(DNC)36DNC24DNC33335
50th3569Time ZuluBen LulhamSamantha LulhamBlakeney SCPurpleSilverBlue(DNC)3328DNC33DNC336
51st3707Monkey BusinessStuart JenkinsNicola ScaddonHampton SCPale blueBronzeGreen22(DNC)DNC4231DNC337
52nd3745OutnumberedPaul DeanFrancesca DeanWembley SCDark GreyGoldRed40(DNC)25DNCDNC31338
53rd3633Chill OutTimothy HarmsAmelia LittleHampton SCBlueSilverBlue(DNC)3136DNC32DNC341
54th3781 David HallEmilie HoodBlackwater SCGrey whitePlatinumBlack(DNC)37DNC28DNC35342
55th3598Bar HumbugRobert SmithPete RichardsSalcombe YCBlack/whiteSilverGreen39(DNC)DNC3824DNC343
56th3766The BearAndy DalbyAimee/Elsa DalbyBurghfield SCBlue YellowSilverBlack(DNC)27DNC41DNC34344
57th3806Blue TitBen JonesHelen HilditchSalcombe YCBlueSilverBlue(DNC)3447DNC23DNC346
58th3805NermalMark ReddingtonLewis FowlerBartley SCGreySilverBlue(DNC)3939DNC26DNC346
59th3748White TigerNigel BrookeSuzie BrookeLymington Town SCGreySilverRed42(DNC)33DNCDNC30347
60th3641Puff the Magic DragonMark WaterhouseIsobel StewartSalcombe YCBlueGoldRed35(DNC)41DNCDNC32350
61st3730Blood sweat and beersPaul HollisKatie KeithBartley SCBlueSilverRed33(DNC)31DNCDNC47353
62nd3647Liquid DreamsHywel Bowen‑PerkinsLucy PenwardenSalcombe YCBlueSilverBlack(DNC)35DNC44DNC36357
63rd3817AuraGeoff KimberHelen KimberStone SCLight BlueSilverGreen49(DNC)DNC4027DNC358
64th3725Island GirlAndrew SquireLaura EvansSalcombe YCBlueSilverBlack(DNC)32DNC30DNC54358
65th3675White Sauce er erRob HatleyJoe HatleyTamesis SCWhiteBronzeBlue(DNC)4435DNC41DNC362
66th3686IfKevin RoseHarvey GodelUpper Thames SCGrey/whiteBronzeGreen52(DNC)DNC4722DNC363
67th3677IndecisionTimothy BarrPeter ImpeyTamesis SCRedBronzeGreen44(DNC)DNC4335DNC364
68th3567FatboySlimMartin SmithKaren BestonRedditch SCTurquoiseBronzeBlue(DNC)4242DNC38DNC364
69th3736MetachrosisJon BloicePhilippa BloiceWhitstable YCBlueBronzeBlue(DNC)4146DNC36DNC365
70th3547Moondance AssasinPeter MaleTim MaleBlithfield SCBlueSilverRed37(DNC)49DNCDNC37365
71st3791Didley SquatJon GorringeMatt CurrellParkstone YCBluePlatinumGreen5(DNC)DNC3BFDDNC371
72nd3648Bang TidyJamie WrightAnnabel StewartShoreham SCBlue/whiteBronzeRed43(DNC)45DNCDNC41371
73rd3511Heaven SentAndrew MillsEllie MillsHampton SCRedBronzeGreen48(DNC)DNC3945DNC374
74th3727FragileMark StockbridgeJames GiffordUpper Thames SCGrey/ WhiteGoldBlue(DNC)84DNCBFDDNC375
75th3705Two pints of lagerGeoff WrightEdward AlexanderBlithfield SCBlueSilverRed51(DNC)43DNCDNC39375
76th3802KhaleesiSimon PottsRichard ParslowBurghfield SCLight greyPlatinumGreen14(DNC)DNC1BFDDNC378
77th3742Speed MachineHoward EelesJustin GemBartley SCBlue WhiteBronzeRed53(DNC)48DNCDNC38381
78th3333PreciousJohn AdamsRos Warwick‑HallerTamesis SCWhiteBronzeBlue(DNC)4551DNC43DNC381
79th3530Sir TopazMike CollesLauren MorganMidland SCYellowBronzeBlack(DNC)43DNC45DNC53383
80th3793BorisJames GoodfellowRebecca VideloNetley Sailing ClubWhitePlatinumGreen9(DNC)DNC13BFDDNC385
81st3809 Arran HolmanFaye ChattertonRYAPurplePlatinumGreen(DNC)DNCDNC1111DNC385
82nd3813PacemakerSteve HarlingEleanor Thomas/Sarah RobertsStarcross YCTurquoiseBronzeRed46(DNC)53DNCDNC44385
83rd3463Smoke on the waterJonathan CowperHannah HutchingsHunts SCPinkBronzeRed45(DNC)52DNCDNC46385
84th3678NoraStephen CrookSally TownendHollingsworth Lake SCBlack/whiteGoldGreen6(DNC)DNC17BFDDNC386
85th3621RaunchyTristram SquirePeter SlackSalcombe YCBlueBronzeBlack(DNC)50DNC46DNC48386
86th3599HarryNigel CooperJohn HollandsSalcombe YCRedBronzeBlue(DNC)4855DNC42DNC387
87th3660DjelibeybiJon BuckleyJonathan CarrStarcross YC BronzeBlue(DNC)4754DNC44DNC387
88th3152PandemoniumMike SteeleGeorge WilsonSt Edmundsbury SCAWhiteBronzeRed50(DNC)50DNCDNC45387
89th1638Clockwork OrangeDavid PrickettBernard PrickettRYA BronzeBlack(DNC)49DNC48DNC49388
90th3755The EdgeMichael HamiltonChristian HamiltonBlackpool and Fleetwood YCGreenBronzeBlack(DNC)DNCDNC14DNC18395
91st3800BramblesRichard BramleyTony ChealShoreham SCBlueBronzeRed54(DNC)56DNCDNC51403
92nd3787QuicksilverChris MartinJosh OatesMidland SCRedPlatinumBlue(DNC)1529DNCBFDDNC407
93rd3738Superfast JellyfishSimon BlakeMolly BlakeRoyal Brighton YCBlack/whitePlatinumBlack(DNC)DNFDNC35DNC11409
94th3769The DiscipleGraham Cranford SmithInnes ArmstrongSalcombe YCGreySilverGreen25(DNC)DNC26BFDDNC414
95th3702Salmon en crouteDuncan SalmonRuth HanstaterSalcombe YCBlueGoldGreen41(DNC)DNCDNC15DNC419
96th3749StanleyColin AndersonSean AndersonBartley SCWhiteGoldBlue(DNC)2432DNCBFDDNC419
97th3815The KrakenMark BarwellLou JohnsonLymington Town SCBlueGoldGreen31(DNC)DNC25BFDDNC419
98th3684Keyser SozeTom LowEd LowWest Hoe SCBlack GreySilverGreen21(DNC)DNC36BFDDNC420
99th3723Fifty shadesLeslie BithellLily TointonHollingworth Lake SCGreyBronzeGreen32(DNC)DNC29BFDDNC424
100th3794ItchthysJulian HarmsGeorge BenderMidland SCGrey OrangeSilverBlue(DNC)3824DNCBFDDNC425
101st353Gangsta ParadiseDan AlsopAndrew RobertsonLyme Regis SCGreySilverBlack(DNC)DNFDNC37DNC25425
102nd3615EdgarStuart BatesLydia BourneHollingworth Lake SCGreen/WhiteSilverGreen36(DNC)DNC31BFDDNC430
103rd3747Learner driverClive EplettNigel HuftonFrensham Pond SCBlue WhiteGoldBlack(DNC)30DNCFWYDNC40433
104th3706Monkey PuzzleKevin AndersonSadie AndersonSalcombe YCGreyBronzeBlue(DNC)DNC34DNC39DNC436
105th3790PointerColin BrockbankVana VlastakiWembley SCBlueSilverBlack(DNC)40DNCRETDNC42445
106th3587MistralHenry MasonBelinda MasonBlithfield SCWhiteBronzeRed47(DNC)44DNCDNCDNC454
107th3368DebutanteIan LaingAndrew HuntHollingworth Lake SCRed/whiteBronzeGreen55(DNC)DNCDNC40DNC458
108th3704Factory MaidGemma HorwoodBenji HughesWembley SCGrey WhiteSilverBlack(DNC)46DNCBFDDNC50459
109th3775Night FuryOlly TurnerPete NicholsonSalcombe YCGreyPlatinumGreen(DNC)DNCDNCDNC20DNC504
110th3775Night FuryChris JenningsPete NicholsonBurghfield SCGreyPlatinumGreen20(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC504
111th3740Why ask?Pat BlakeJilly BlakeLymington Town SCBlueGoldBlack(DNC)23DNCDNFDNCDNC507
112th3768 Rob CageHatty CageThames SCWhiteGoldRed(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC29513
113th3654Tales of AcapulcoGeoffrey CoxJonathan CoyteSalcombe YC BronzeGreen(DNC)DNCDNCDNC37DNC521
114th3756RobertNeal LillywhiteFreya LillywhiteSalcombe YCGreyGoldBlue(DNC)DNF37DNCDNFDNC521
115th3816 Phil EmeryPhoebe PaineWhitstable SCBlueSilverBlack(DNC)DNFDNCDNFDNC43527
116th3561SnortingJoe ShawStephanie MitterhouseWembley SCWhiteBronzeBlack(DNC)DNFDNCDNCDNC52536
117th3586ShadowplayKieron MasonGeorge MasonBlithfield SCDark GreyBronzeRed(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC605
117th3697Too Dark and StormyRichard PageElizabeth DalbyHampton SCPurpleBronzeRed(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC605
117th3786ShotgunnMichael WilsonHelen WilsonIsle of Man YCGrey BlueSilverBlack(DNC)DNFDNCDNCDNCDNC605
117th3822 Gareth GriffithsPippa HilditchLymington Town SCGreyBronzeBlack(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC605

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