J/121 Alchemy leading the OSTAR Race
by J/Boats 9 May 2024 05:23 NZST

Dave Southwell's J/121 ALCHEMY © Newport Yacht Club
David Southwell's J/121 ALCHEMY is sailing the 2024 OSTAR/ TWOSTAR Race that started off Plymouth, England on May 5th, 2024. Currently, he is enjoying a 100+ mile lead boat-for-boat three days after the start!
The OSTAR is the oldest solo ocean race in the world dating back to 1960 when Blondie Hasler raced against the legendary Francis Chichester. The course is deceptively simple: the 3,000-mile race runs from Plymouth in Devon against the prevailing wind and current to Newport Rhode Island, leaving Nantucket to starboard.
If you're interested in following along with his adventure, you can track him through the YB Race Tracker App.
Also, ALCHEMY has a boat tracker from Iridium/ Predictwind.com. That link is here.
As David explained, "I'm expecting the race to take around a month. So, if all goes well I'll be arriving in early June. I expect to be posting regularly on the boat's Instagram account here.
For any of you who will be in Newport at the finish, I'll be pulling into the Newport Yacht Club on Long Wharf Mall.