J/45 Mainsail Roller Furler Boom video
by J Composites 14 May 2024 03:00 NZST

J/45 Mainsail Roller Furler Boom © FURLERBOOM
Enjoy this video demonstration of the mainsail furling boom from the Danish brand FURLERBOOM on a J/45 from the J/Composites shipyard based in Les Sables d'Olonne, France.
Taking place in front of the famous departure port for the Vendée Globe Race, you will see a hoisting of the mainsail, a reefing, the adjustment of the outhaul, and of course, the lowering of the mainsail.
The boom was installed on a J/45 cruising version with a shoal keel. She will be based in Newport, RI this summer for interested customers!
The boom is the T18-V model, with several options including outhaul adjustment as well as the zip cover that is ideal for storing and sheltering your sail.
Manufacturing quality
FURLERBOOM booms have been developed and manufactured since 1998 in Denmark. The company is now managed by Jørn Nissen who ensures the quality and performance of these products thanks to his numerous sailing trips.
The Furlerboom booms allow you to benefit from a high-performance mainsail, fully battened with a leech round. Above all, it's a guarantee of safety for sailors and the booms provide a finish worthy of the finest sailing yachts.
Find out more about the J/45 here!