Robert Hughes named LMSRF Sailor of the Year and 2023 GL52 Great Lakes Series Co-Champion
by GL52 12 Apr 2024 02:12 NZST
GL52 Heartbreaker Team © GL52 Racing
Recently the Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation (LMSRF) named Life Member, Robert Hughes of Ada, Michigan as 2023 Sailor of the Year.
"It is an honor to be named Lake Michigan Sailor of the Year considering all of the amazing sailors on Lake Michigan. Would not have happened without the fierce, skilled and dedicated team on board." Robert Hughes
Robert and wife Laura Hughes own and race the GL52 Heartbreaker (as well as a J/70 of the same name). In the hard-fought 2023 season, the Heartbreaker team was determined Co-Champions per the original intent of the series.
"Our goal for 2023 was to win the GL52 Season Championship, the most difficult big boat one design fleet in North America. We are grateful to our team that excelled both inshore and offshore allowing us to win the championship in this competitive fleet." - Robert Hughes
Additionally, the Heartbreaker team's 2023 winning season featured these impressive results:
- Bayview Mackinac Race, 1st in Class
- Queens Cup, Line Honors and 2nd Overall
- Chicago Mackinac Race, 2nd in Class
- Little Traverse Annual Regatta, 2nd in Class
- Macatawa Championship, 3rd place
- Bacardi Winter Series Event 2, 3rd place
- Big Red Regatta, 3rd place
- Bacardi Cup Invitational, 5th place
With an outstanding crew on the boat and shoreside keeping Heartbreaker in fantastic shape, this team is returning to the Great Lakes series to defend their Championship in 2024.
Congratulations to Bob, Laura and the entire Heartbreaker team!