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Seven Sharp visits the Whangarei Marina and talks with the overseas sailors

by Sharron Beck, Whangarei Marina 12 Feb 2024 16:14 NZDT 12 February 2024
Rewa alongside in the Whangarei Town Basin Marina - a favorite stop for overseas visiting yachts in New Zealand © Michelle Marshall

A TVNZ reporter gave the new Okara Marina being built in Northland, some great nationwide exposure on Waitangi Day.

The film crew from top rating prime time evening news show, Seven Sharp, enjoyed spending a day in the marina chatting to the foreign sailors onboard their luxurious yachts.

It is this same vibrant energy in the Town Basin marina which the sailors expressed that the new Okara marina aims to encompass.

Praise for the variety of Marine Trades available was also received. Hear their stories told on Seven Sharp.

On water and shore side visitors to Whangarei’s unique Town Basin are loving the new built park, restaurants, the arts, regular events, playgrounds, bush walks, swimming pool and shopping surrounding the marina.

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