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Cup Spy August 31: First Training Session .. Arb Panel decline Swiss claim.. USA focuses on design

by Richard Gladwell/Sail-World NZ 1 Sep 2023 23:21 NZST 31 August 2023
First Training Session - AC40 - Barcelona - August 31, 2023 © America's Cup

Five teams have begun sailing in a four day practice series ahead of the first Preliminary Event in Vilanora.

Thursday was also the first of four designated Barcelona Training Sessions, designated by the Regatta Director. The others are Friday - Sept 1; Monday Sept 4; and Tuesday Sept 5. An official Practice Day has been scheduled for Wednesday Sept 13, in Vilanova.

What happened in the Cup - August 31 2023:

The only images/content we have of the Training Racing, are those AC37 are releasing through their own channel.

American Magic chose not to take part, saying their priority was on testing and meeting their deadlines in that regard.

Five teams took part in the first training session, in three races. See video below - sorry, we have no other information, as yet.

Alinghi Red Bull Racing dispute self-merchandising restrictions

A case before the Arbitration Panel has been decided. It concerned Alinghi Red Bull Racing's ability to set up its own merchandising store within its base area, despite America's Cup Event Ltd having claimed the exclusive right for all merchandising activities within the regatta venue. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli also made a late attempt to join Alinghi Red Bull Racing's application, and the Arb Panel made the comment that the case was also of interest to other teams.

Mediation between the parties failed, and the Arbitration Panel made a ruling which says in part: "only ACE‘s approved retailers and concessionaires are authorized to carry on any retailing or merchandising activities at any Venue. Any such activities therefore require ACE’s approval of the retailer/concessionaire which has been sought by the Applicant and declined."

In the Discussion of the case, the Arb Panel noted: "In the Panel’s view it is apparent that at least by 10th July 2023, ACE had already decided to appoint Sportfolio as its sole exclusive retailer. The emails that followed, including a formal application, make it clear that the decision was already made and no change could or would be made."

The Arb Panel ordered Alinghi Red Bull Racing to pay 70% of the costs E13,667.50 and for America's Cup Event to pay 30% or E3667.50.

Teams are permitted to run their own merchandising operations outside the Regatta Venue, without requiring permission from America's Cup Event Ltd.

AC37 Joint Recon Team Reports:

American Magic - AC40-OD x 2 - Day 61 - August 31, 2023 - Barcelona

American Magic team rolled their AC40s from the shed at 10:30hrs, apparently with the same configuration as yesterday. They proceeded with the mast stepping procedure and by 12:12hrs both boats were in the water. The team docked out at 13:00hrs with Paul, Lucas, Michael and Andrew on board America and Tom, Harry, Riley and Severin on board Magic. The NYYC AM team didn't join the practice race today because at this point, seems like that their priority is on the foil testing.

After six days training miles away from shore, today they stayed closer, at the height of November buoy. At 13:10hrs they hoisted Main 2 and J2 inside the harbour and proceeded bearing away after 14 tacks upwind. From 14:25hrs to 14:34hrs Magic was sailing way faster than America.

Afterwards, they stopped and hoisted J1 as they were expecting a bit more breeze for the foil testing. Both boats practised non-stop manoeuvres for 18' before starting with the races.

By 15:10hrs they announced the first start procedure; America did a good start and managed to control Magic, winning the 1 lap race for 5secs. After that first race, they stopped and changed batteries.

Race procedure 2 commenced at 15:52hrs and they were forced to repeat it[to get a meaningful race] as a consequence of a bad start from one of the boats.

We could see them racing more aggressively than they usually do, forcing themselves in high pressure situations. America stopped at the windward mark while Magic continued and rounded perfectly the starboard leeward gate.

At 16:20hrs they sailed port side close to each other approaching to the harbour entrance, and by 16:32hrs Magic stayed for 14minutes practising manoeuvres on their own while America went back to port foiling.

They ended up the 3hrs 26mins training at 16:52hrs with both boats lowering their sails inside the port. Elia Miquel - Recon Unit NYYC AM

Session Statistics: American Magic - AC40-OD x 2 - Day 61 - August 31, 2023 - Barcelona

  • Weather: Sunny 24°
  • Wind Strength: 9kts
  • Wind Direction: 190°-176°
  • Sea State: Beaufort 3 Choppy
  • Crane In: 1030hrs Dock Out: 1300hrs
  • Dock In: 1724hrs Crane out: 1840hrs
  • Total Tacks: 62 - Fully foiling: 56; Touch & Go: 4; Touch Down: 2
  • Total Gybes: 57 - Fully foiling: 54; Touch & Go: 2; Touch Down: 1

Crew: America: Tom Slingsby, Lucas Calabrese, Michael Menninger, Andrew Campbell; Magic: Paul Goodison, Harry Melges, Riley Gibbs, Severin Gramm

This commentary was written and compiled from video, still images and statistical content extracted from the AC37 Joint Recon program and other material available to Sail-World NZ including photo files, and other on the water coverage from the 2010, 2013, 2017 and 2021 America's Cups. Its format is intended to give Sail-World readers a snapshot of all teams' progress on a given day or period.

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