HEADStart Business Breakfast
by Boating Industry Association of Victoria 8 Dec 2022 10:55 NZDT

HEADStart © Boating Industry Association of Victoria
BIAV continues to work alongside HEADStart to develop apprenticeship opportunities within the industry. Together they are engaging with secondary school students who are looking for an alternative stay connected to their school and peers, and join the workforce early.
HEADStart is a school-based apprenticeships and internships program that supports secondary students while they study and work towards a career. Students can get started early in their careers across many avenues including in the marine industry.
Steve Walker, BIAV CEO presented career options in the marine industry that many hadn't considered when deciding on their vocational education.
'We know a lot of people coming through school have some set career options that are on their minds and we're not sure the boating industry is known to the main stream, so we're hear to promote it', said Mr Walker, 'We'd like young people to think, 'I can become a marine mechanic, or boat builder, or marina operator, etc".
Find out how HEADStart works HERE.