Seasick: Episode 2 - Is commercial fishing and the Quota Management System working?
by 6 Jun 2022 10:13 NZST
6 June 2022

Long line fishing vessels are the least damaging fishing method used in the Hauraki Gulf © SeaSick/Stuff
Commercial fishing is often singled out as the main culprit in over-exploitation, but there is a need for healthy protein for New Zealanders.
We investigate how commercial catch is monitored, fishing methods that are less damaging to the seafloor and the Quota Management System, which is almost 40 years old, and whether it is still fit for purpose.
Over 18 months we have interviewed more than 70 people – all with strong, well-informed, points of view.
We investigate the history of fishing, commercial and recreational, fisheries management in general, the Quota Management System and look at marine reserves. Most agree with more marine protection but there is conflict over what that should look like.
It seems apparent that not enough has been done fast enough. Time is running out to save the Hauraki Gulf. There are stories of hope – we just hope they will be in time.
Brought to you by Stuff, NZ on Air, Republic Films and Foundation North.