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TNL Pindar overcomes COVID related obstacles to ship IRC52 to Spain.

by TNL Pindar 16 Sep 2021 15:55 NZST 16 September 2021
TNL Pindar get the ILC52 Caro safely loaded at Tauranga in the lockdown © Richard Thorpe

TNL Pindar recently shipped the new IRC52 racing yacht “Caro” from New Zealand to Spain.

In the present climate of increasing shipping rates, lack of space on vessels and Covid Lockdowns this ended up being no easy task but persistence and cooperation from all the parties involved resulted in the yacht leaving Tauranga at the beginning of September.

Working closely with Oceanic Navigation in Auckland we secured space on a Kiwifruit vessel sailing directly from Tauranga to Tarragona in Spain. Despite the demand for containers on deck being higher than ever before space was made available for the yacht and mast to load alongside each other on deck.

As Auckland entered another Covid Lockdown luckily the main preparation for packing up the yacht and getting it ready with the mast for shipping was just about completed, as was the packing of the container.

When the time came to truck everything to Tauranga there were restrictions in passing over the border out of Auckland but luckily with all shipping deemed “essential”, everything got to Tauranga without delay and was loaded on time.

TNL Pindar’s Manager, Richard Thorpe, said, “Getting these sorts of projects across the line can be difficult at times, and with the added pressure of shipping space and Lockdowns thrown into the mix just makes it even more challenging. Our relationships with the shipper, the shipping line, the team at Boat Haulage and the marine surveyors is always important, and this was even more so with this move. It proved that working as a team with a common goal works!”

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