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J/Crews garner silver in Red Fox Regatta at Charlevoix Yacht Club

by J/Boats 14 Sep 2020 01:33 NZST 5-6 September 2020
Red Fox Regatta 2020 © Charlevoix Yacht Club

Held over the three-day Labor Day weekend, the Red Fox Regatta started with the NuCore Triangle race on Friday evening, ending with a two-day race from the top of Lake Charlevoix on Saturday, and back again on Sunday afternoon.

Reveling in the conditions were over a dozen J/Teams sailing this popular event at the end of summer on the gorgeous azure-blue waters of northern Lake Michigan.

Taking silver in the eight-boat PHRF 2 division was Colin Texter's J/70 Sistership. Winning the J/22 division was Tom Barne's Green Eggs, second was Robert Molter's Tactful, and third was Robert Grove's Paleface Lite.

In the six-boat PHRF 4 division, the Chicago-Mackinac Race champion Robert Evans sailed his J/109 Goat Rodeo second place, followed by Jane Enterline's J/105 Green Flash in fourth and Rob Lovell's J/92 Knockout in fifth place.

The seven-boat PHRF 6 division the duo of J/111s battling for class honors. In the end, it was Carl Hanssen's Variance taking the bronze and George Golder's Terrier taking fifth on the losing end of a tie-breaker.

Finally, the "big boat" PHRF 7 division saw the podium steps determined by yet another tie-breaker. In this case, the newly powered-up J/121 Loki sailed by Robert Christoph also got the short-stick of that countback, settling for the bronze medal.

More information here.

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