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2018 Setley Cup and Seahorse Trophy – Junior Model Yacht Regatta

by Stuart Jardine 27 Dec 2018 08:25 NZDT 26 December 2018

A records number of 43 monohulls this year and very light wind varying from West to South East produced two new winners in both the monohull and multihull fleets. Overall numbers were close to a record with a total of 57 entries.

In the monohulls as usual, a number lost good points by crashing together at the starts. The new winner of the Setley Cup was Sylvia McEwen with "Silver Bullet". Maisi Hutchinson with "Shimmer" finished 2nd.

The multihulls this year produced a new winner, "Will and George" sailed by Will Reeve followed by last year's winner Finn Gabriel in "Maxicat" on count back from Jasmine Acester with "0&W".

We must thank all the young sailors for bringing along all their families to help and support them. Once again this one of a kind event was run by Stuart Jardine, assisted by son Robert, and this year supported by a number of new faces covering the registration and results, supporting Jane Pitt-Pitts & Patricia Banks on the monohulls and the Froud Ladies on the multihulls. Luke & Emma McEwen have volunteered to organise and Run the event in 2019, allowing the older generation to step down.

The start and finish lines were very difficult to determine due to the conditions needing many helpers, with Dorinda & Brenden Nellis coordinating the results on North Side assisted by Andrew Hurst and many others. Then on the South shore Chris Baldwick coordinating with and Ado Jardine, David Harris and others. Chief photographer this year was Roy Froud and last but not least Nik Froud with his young crew in the rescue dinghy, probably the busiest and hardest task of all.

Many thanks again must go to the Solent Radio Controlled Model Boat Club for allowing the Setley Junior Model Yacht event to be held.

Overall Results: (top six)

Setley Cup (Monohulls)
1st Sylvia McEwen, Silver Bullet 9pts
2nd Maisie Hutchinson, Shimmer 14pts
3rd Tom Wharmspy, Candy Cane 23pts
4th Ben McEwen. Stealth 23pts
5th Angus McEwen, Blue Rocket 29pts
6th Nora Hutchinson, Skittle Boat 32pts

Seahorse Trophy (Multihulls)
1st Will Reeve & George Chetwood, Will & George 10pts
2nd Finn Gabriel, Maxicat 13pts
3rd Jasmine Acester, O&W 13pts
4th Molly Mordaunt, Splash 15pts
5th Dick Rogers, Dangercat 18pts
6th Mandy Tricker, HopeNI 19pts

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